Since I got my iPhone 3G back in 2008, I’ve wanted to start writing applications for mobile devices. The only restriction was that Apple charged a considerable amount to publish apps in the iTunes Store and I’d need a Mac as at the time, iPhone apps were only able to be written in Objective-C.
I gave up on iPhone when HTC released their Desire device and I’ve never looked back (well maybe the occasional glance… iPhone hardware is still pretty attractive!).
So once again I wanted to develop apps, and thanks to the ability to use any computer, I jumped in.
I don’t find development as easy without Visual Studio as I have come to rely on it, but I’m slowly getting used to Eclipse.
I’ll post the odd code snippet here, but I will also be announcing my released apps here too!
Give them a try and give me feedback as I am only able to test on the Emulator and my HTC Desire at present!