Delete Team Project from TFS2008

At my current employer, I am the sole administrator for Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server 2008.

When I first started here, I took over TFS Admin, but the server was configured very strangely. So as I was required to ‘prove’ a backup/restore solution for their TFS data, it was agreed that I would also perform a new build of the TFS server.

When I first took over the admin role, there were some permission issues. I wasn’t able to create new projects. I eventually sorted this and created a ‘TEST’ project.

Having restored the existing project data to my newly built server, I wanted to remove this TEST project. From Visual Studio 2008/Team Explorer 2008 it isn’t obvious how you delete a team project from TFS.

Searching the Internet revealed it was possible using the command-line command TfsDeleteProject

Here’s an example:

[sourcecode language="html"]
TfsDeleteProject /server:<server_name> "<project_name>"

<server_name> is the name of your TFS Server
<project_name> is the name of the project to delete



  1. [...] So I have eventually found the answer, as you can see in my post here. I can’t believe it took me so long, but I’ve found out now and will be using it from [...]
