Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.
I have quite a few photos stored on my Windows Home Server at my house. I decided a while back that it was about time I stored these online also, for…
I’ve been writing a few console applications lately, and one thing I’ve always found not so easy to implement, was handling required/optional argumen…
Until Windows Vista, it had been possible to install a clean copy of Windows without a previous version being installed. During the installation, it …
Back in August I purchased a HP Mini 110 netbook PC. Since the initial release of netbooks, I had been a little hesitant about using one because of t…
We are getting close to releasing one of the projects at work. A website developed in ASP.NET using Visual Studio 2008. With a project like this yo…
The steps involved in doing this are already discussed all over the Internet. As with most things I find the steps that work, bookmark them and then …
There has been a long debate about the use of replays in football. I believe that the decisions balance themselves out and that this might interrupt…
In some previous posts ( here and here ) I blogged about having to use Lotus Notes at work and some of the things I didn’t like about the client. …
A couple of days ago, I upgraded Windows Vista from SP1 to SP2. I left it running overnight and when I returned to my machine, all seemed well. How…
Whenever I do a clean installation of Windows on my machines, its always a pain having to install the Service Packs for the relevant application sepa…
I find that I forget about events that I have been invited to through Facebook. As I use Google for Mail/Calendar/Contacts on my iPhone 3G, the abili…
I’m not a fan of the new “pin to taskbar” feature on Windows 7. I much prefer the old Quick Launch toolbar. If you are like me, you’ll be glad to kno…
Power Pack 2 for Windows Home Server has recently been released and whilst I’ve seen lots of news about what PP2 provides, I seem to have missed this…
Today one of my colleagues needed to move some files into a sub-folder in the project’s workspace in TFS 2008 Source Control. It seems with Team Expl…
During my time working with Work Items in TFS2008 I have discovered these useful commands: [sourcecode language="html"] witfields <actio…
I’ve recently been playing with redesigning Work Items in TFS2008, as the Administrator of TFS. There are certain things you can’t do, such as have a…
I visited friends over the weekend just gone, and the journey was spent mostly on the M4 Motorway. I am shocked at how many drivers feel the need to …
Google have recently released a beta of their Mobile Sync for the iphone. This allows you to Synchronize the built-in calendar and contacts on your i…
UPDATE: I took these photos last night for two reasons. Firstly I wanted to put something on my blog about the amazing snow we were/are having in…
You’ll notice, when looking at this blog, that I am new to the world of blogging. In only my second post, I pasted a command-line example, as text. I…
One of the things I liked about Outlook was that I could leave the application running but have it minimised to the task tray in Windows when not in …
So today begins the change over from using Microsoft Exchange with Outlook 2003 as its client to a Lotus Notes environment at my place of work. Hav…
With increased regularity recently, I have seen cars turning left or right and then coming to a stop at the traffic lights that they see immediately …
At my current employer, I am the sole administrator for Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server 2008 . When I first started here, I took over TFS Admin, b…
The title sounds a little like something from Fisher Price, but this is actually my first blog post. I’m sure I’m not alone in having difficulty with…